Goals December 2012

9:43 AM

We have been working on a few goals over the past few months  and 
we would like to start sharing them with you.

December Goals and updates:
  1. Add 3-4  complete event packages to our website and Etsy Store. We were so busy in December that we were unable to add any new packages to our online store. :(
  2. Tell someone new about our business at least twice a week and ask them for referrals. We have been diligently sharing our information with new clients and happy that we are on target with this goal
  3. Work on more special deals and promotions for our website. We had some awesome specials for the month of November. Stay tuned for December's specials.
  4. Choose a business book to start reading.  I chose to read "Who Moved My Cheese" by Dr Spencer Jognson.  It was a quick read. It uses "cheese" as a metaphor for the thing(s) you wish to acquire in life and how changing your mindset for the positive and the way you reacte to a situation can help you acquire those things you desire.

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