Feature Friday: The Adventures of Princess Zaria
10:09 AM
The Adventures of Princess Zaria
The Princess Zaria Brand was inspired by Cheryl's daughter Zaria and started with the children's book "The Adventures of Princess Zaria". While the author, Cheryl Lynn Pope, was waiting for the illustrator to finish the book and waiting for the book to be printed, she had time to think of ways to promote. The first event was a Princess Tea Party. The book was published in 2009. In 2010, Cheryl started the fan club for girls. That came about after hearing her daughter Zaria ask so many times, "Did I get any mail?'. Last year was their first Princess Ball. Cheryl and Zaria decided to make it an annual event after the girls had so much fun.
Each month they feature a Princess of the Month. You can nominate a princess by visiting their website
They also have a fan club for girls ages 3-11.
Cheryl Lynn Pope is an author, entrepreneur, freelance writer, literary publicist and parent coach. In 2005, Pope penned what has been called 'the most exciting manual for effective parenting' entitled 25 Ways To Make Your Child(ren) Feel Special.
Cheryl and I have been facebook friends for some time now and I had the opportunity to meet her when she picked up the flyers for the ball. It was great working with her and I love what she is doing with the Princess Zaria brand and look forward to attending the ball this year.
This year's Ball will be held on *Sunday, April 28, 2013.
Ms. Talia Foster
Talia's Creative Printing
Email: taliasprinting@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/taliasprinting.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/taliagf
Talia, thanks for much for featuring The Adventures of Princess Zaria, The Enchanted Princess Ball, The Princess Zaria Fan club and Princess of the Month. As you can see, we love princesses. Every girl is a princess. For us, princess is synonomous with beauty, intelligence, service to the community, integrity, honesty, loyalty and basically everything that is good and kind. We are still receiving nominations for the fan club and Princess of the Month. The Princess Ball will be magical. Thanks for recommending it to your readers. By the way, you have done an outstanding job on the flyers, invitations and tickets and the customer service is superb. I recommend Talia's Printing, hands down
ReplyDeleteThanks so much to you for all the work you do with the Princesses!