Reasons To Set Goals
1:12 PM
So as an event planner and stationery designer one of my goals this year was to be featured on a major blog. This idea popped into my head once I became apart of a group of event planners and event industry professionals. I followed major event planning blogs but never thought that I could submit my items to be featured until recently this year. I studied their blogs, websites and parties looking at their style of parties, the photography and the content.
My mom and I had a Parisian Burlesque Milestone Birthday Bash. After receiving my photos from my photographer I felt they were good enough to be featured on some blogs and websites. I asked some of the ladies in the group which blogs did event features and in minutes collected a list of them, some of which were members of the group I am in.
My Goal was to spread the word about my fantastic party across event planning blogs. I began submitting my party for features. In a matter of a few days I had a few blogs willing to feature my party. My main goal was to have my party featured on The Hostess with the Mostess blog so of course I submitted to her.
I received this response back from them:
Thank you so much for your submission to HWTM. While we’d genuinely love to be able to feature everyone’s events on the blog, we simply are unable to accommodate all of them due to space and volume (we receive hundreds of submissions each week). We will not be able to feature this particular event, but please know that this does not mean we didn't like it or take it as a negative reflection on your submission in any way. It is most likely due to one of the following reasons:
– We’ve already featured or committed to featuring several other parties in the same category or with a similar look/theme.
– The event is not relevant for the time of year.
– There are just too many parties in the current pipeline right now, plain and simple.
I was heart broken! What was it about my party that they wouldn't feature it? Was it the theme? was it the photography? What was it? I felt a little discouraged so i tried again when they were looking for "Grown Up" Party Idea submissions and again I received the above response. Very heart broken I didn't give up. I submitted it for the 3rd time and guess what I received back? Yep you guessed it, the same response above. :(
Ok, I don't know why I took it so bad, I am sure there are plenty of people who are submitting their parties for features so I sought out other ways to have other items of mine featured.
I met a lady whom writes for the Hostess With the Mostess and I worked with her and guess what?????? I finally made it on their blog not once but 3 times in 1 month!
I created these really cute Bling Candy Buffet Supplies and she used them in her displays. I was amazed at how wonderful they looked on her table. I read the comments on some of the blog posts and people just raved about them.
So far I have had orders from Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom.
So what happened with my Parisian Burlesque Party? It still hasn't been featured on The Hostess with the Mostess but it has been featured on a few other blogs. I won't give up.
I write this post to say that it's important to have goals, they give you something to work toward. Set your goal(s) and measure your progress and if you aren't getting or haven't received the results you want then alter your goal. It's perfectly fine to alter your goals. See above, my goal was to have my party featured and I ended up having something else featured 3 times in the same month. You may not end with what you started with but at least you started. I thank you for taking the time to read this post. Feel free to comment below.
By the way here are the blog posts and photos of my items that were featured.

October 17th, 2013
Our Bling Tongs and Scoops were Featured on the Hostess With the Mostess
in Soiree Event Design's "Mystical Twilight Fairy's Hollow" Party!
October 9, 2013
Our Bling Tongs and Scoops were Featured on the Hostess With the Mostess
in Soiree Event Design's {Trend Alert} Graphic Vinyl Backdrops
October 1, 2013
Our Bling Tongs and Scoops were Featured on the Hostess With the Mostess
{Trend Alert} How To Set Up A Candy Buffet In 6 EASY Steps!
Ms. Talia Foster
Talia's Creative Printing